Best Carpet Cleaning Tips That Really Works

best carpet cleaning
Carpets are an inseparable part of home décor and a great addition to our homes which can be used to decorate space, protect the floors of our homes, beauty creation, can be utilized as an artist’s model, and add beauty and elegance to our homes and also give it a beautiful ambiance. Well maintained and properly cleaned carpets speak a lot about the personality of the owner and also have a great effect on people’s perceptions about you. Carpets used to set high aesthetical standards to it always require an exceptional and remarkable watchfulness. As carpets are made up of thick materials and also with meticulous handwork, it must be taken care of remarkably.

So now we will proceed with the understanding of how to take care of Carpets-

9 tips for better maintenance of Carpets-

9 tips carpet maintenance
If you were looking out for the methods and ideas to take proper care of your carpets then you are at the right place. Kindly follow the given helpful tips and

Take extraordinary care of your Carpets:
  • Regular rotation

It is mostly advised by the experts to rotate a carpet once in a year or 2. Although we cannot claim this advice to be wrong it is best advisable to always aim at rotating your carpets once every month. Especially if you have placed your carpet in an area where there is high footfall. It is required to maintain the look and feel of the carpet and also to consider its value. Regular rotation helps in regular cleaning of the carpets and hence it adds on to its lifecycle.
  • Exposure to Sunlight, not a good idea

To always keep your carpets shining and beautiful never ever expose it to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight is very harmful to the colors and dyes of the carpets. It makes the colors fade easily. To prevent premature fading of dyes be careful and avoid placing carpets to direct sunlight. If it is very important to keep it in sunlight then make sure to give carpets a regular rotation. It will help in maintaining the uniformity of the colors of the carpets.
  • Flip the carpet regularly

Some carpets have fringes at their end which get twists and tangles, so it is very important to separate the tangles and fringes. If it is not done regularly, it may damage the carpet.  So the best way to separate twists and fringes is by flipping the carpets on a regular interval so that it can get natural straightening.

To flip the carpets simply grab the ends and then walk over the other end. Also, don’t forget to shake the carpet gently to naturally straighten the tangles.
  • Regular Vacuuming, always a good idea

Just like carpets, rugs also require vacuuming at regular intervals. It mainly prevents the natural fibers which got crushed or packed because of excess footfalls and traffic. It also helps in prevention from tearing or scratching of carpets fibers.
  •  Always remember of Spot Carpet Cleaning

It is the tendency of Carpets to develop stains easily especially when you do not do spot cleaning whenever a spill gets over on the carpets. Firstly you must dab the stain with a dry piece of cloth (cotton cloth)to absorb the excessive liquid. Usage of soap, bleach or common cleaning products over your carpets is strictly prohibited as it can have significant damage on your carpet’s fibers. The usage of water to clean the stains on your carpets is advisable. If water is not efficient enough to clean the stain, then consult with a professional cleaner who has specialization in cleaning carpets and can ensure safe and effective stain removal from the Carpets.
  • Usage of padding

Beneath your carpets place padding so that it can keep it stable, give protection to the shape and also helps in reducing wrinkles. When you keep padding beneath your carpet, it enhances the carpet’s value and makes it safer and very comfortable to use.
  • Changing pathways and placements

If you want to prevent one region of a carpet fading you must be sure that your furniture must be arranged in different locations at a regular interval. You can create new ways of rearrangements and can be occasionally over a regular interval of 3-6 months. It helps in wearing carpets evenly and increases its lifecycle.
  • Professional washing and cleaning

You must give a professional wash to your carpets on the interval of 3 to 5 years to clean the dust and soil accumulation on the carpets to maintain the natural fiber and texture of the carpet. To fulfill this purpose you must hire a professional cleaner. They can give a better service and it will help in maintaining the natural beauty and texture of carpets and also will add on to its lifespan.
  •  Drying it out

When placed inside the home it mainly happens with the carpets that they absorb moisture and it has a very bad impact in the form of molds and must. To prevent the formation of moisture and also reduce the odor of your carpet, you must hang it out to dry in air for a few hours. This process needs to be repeated every month to maintain the good health of carpets.

Preventing Carpets from Stains after Carpet Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning

  • By Application of Protectant

Protectants are the best way to prevent your carpets from stains. Always apply protectants over the carpets to prevent it from staining. Protectants make a bond with the fibers of the carpets and seal it to make it safe from any spills and other pollutants that may harm carpets. It normally comes in the form of a spray which can be easily used by yourself or any professional person can do it for you.

Since carpets are made and manufactured in different ways, to spray on your carpets may be quite arduous when you are doing it by yourself. So it is advisable to consult a professional carpet specialist to choose the best product for the carpet as it will depend on the formation of carpets whether it is made from wool, sisal or other material.

Professional carpet and carpet cleaners apply the most appropriate protectant in the right amount and right manner to provide your carpet a better coverage. Please keep in mind, if you see any change in color of your carpet or change in the texture of your carpet just after the application you must be ready for some remedial procedures.
  • Take Off Your Shoes

You must follow some of the best household practices as taking off your shoes before entry to the home. Keep things systematically like always use shoe racks and a defined are for keeping your footwear. It is advisable for everyone as family members and visitors. This will protect your carpet to a higher extent from the footfalls and indoor traffics. One other way is to keep foot mats on every entrance of your house.
  • Provide your Carpets an underlay

Underlays are very much s similar to cushions but are particularly installed under carpets and carpets. An underlay mostly helps to prevent your carpet from getting flat. Whenever a particular area of your carpet starts getting flatten, it also destroys its capability of recapture from the spills.
It also helps in keeping your carpets in place, reduce noise, thermal insulation and more of all provide a comfortable feeling whenever you stand on your carpet, walk over it or even sit on to it.

The Maids is a professional carpet and carpet cleaning company that provides carpet cleaning, carpet cleaning, water damage restoration, upholstery cleaning, and mattress cleaning. The carpet cleaning we provide to our clients which are tailored to the industry standards so you can always be sure to receive a bang for your buck. Proper and best utilization of your investment.

We look for your Allowance to the expert cleaners of The Maids to provide you with a pleasant and hassle-free transaction that will surely make your carpets presentable and free from unwanted odors maintaining its aesthetics. Have more time to relax and enjoy by hiring professional cleaners of The Maids You won’t have to stress yourself with this time consuming and energy-draining tasks.


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